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- M. Lazar: Be greedy and learn: efficient and certified algorithms for parametrized optimal control problems, 12th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing (ApplMath 24.)
Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2024.
- M. Lazar: Eigenvalue bounds for the Gramian operator of the heat equation, Partial Differential Equations, Optimal Design and Numerics, Benasque, Spain, August 2024.
- M. Lazar: Control and Machine Learning, 1 week course at University of Lorraine, Nancy, France, July 2024.
- M. Lazar: Be greedy and learn: efficient and certified algorithms for parametrized optimal control problems, Invited lecture on Workshop on Recent Trends in Applied Mathematics and Machine Learning, Tianyuan Mathematical Center, Changchun, China, July 2024.
- M. Lazar, E. Zuazua: Control and Machine Learning, 1 week course within EECI International Graduate School on Control, Dubrovnik, Croatia, July 2024.
- L. Grubišić: Spectral approximation oftheoptimalcontrolproblemfor non-homogeneousparabolicequations, 12th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing (ApplMath 24.)
Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2024,
- L. Grubišić: Tensor network approximations of parameter dependent modal problems, Invited lecture on MS: The mathematics of data-driven reduced-order modeling for dynamical systems. Slot 2/2. (MS-59), Seville, Spain, July 2024.
- N. Truhar: Damping optimization of mechanical systems – rod/string model, 12th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing (ApplMath 24.), Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2024.
- I. Nakić: Spectrum of operators on equilateral metric graphs, CIRM conference on Mathematical aspects of the physics with non-self-adjoint operators, Marseille, France, June 2024.
- I. Nakić: Spectrum of operators on equilateral metric graphs, 35th International Workshop on Operator Theory and Its Applications (IWOTA 24.), Canterbury; United Kingdom, August 2024.